Monday, February 15, 2016

About This Blog

We live in a world in which opinions move at light speed, coming at us from all directions via digital technology, billboards, radio, and television. And most of those opinions are compactly packaged--sound bites, two-minute news features, thirty-second commercials, internet memes, etc.. This blog is meant to provide a place for slower, more thorough consideration of rational argument. Readers are encouraged to sit down, read, and think.

Although Another Think offers opinions on pressing issues, we do not have any particular political bias. Posts are written by a wide variety of writers with diverse opinions, some liberal, some conservative, and some neither. 

Rather than emphasizing any particular political viewpoint, Another Think emphasizes rational, evidence-based arguments that use credible sources. We also ask our writers to take opposing viewpoints into consideration, so that their arguments will appeal to readers who disagree, even if they do not win them over. 
I really hope that this blog can be a community effort. If you have an idea for a post about a current issue of any kind, please study the guidelines below, write your post, and send it to me!

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